Foodspeed is a Certified B Corp
We are pleased to announce that Foodspeed is now a Certified B Corp.
We are proud to have joined a growing group of companies around the world that use business as a force for good, balancing purpose and profit while considering the impact of our decisions on employees, clients, suppliers, our community and the environment.

B Corp certification is fast becoming a trusted symbol for ethical businesses. Wherever you see the B Corp logo, you know that business has been thoroughly assessed and proven to uphold high social and environmental standards.

How does Foodspeed becoming a B Corp benefit our clients?

Confidence - B Corps are rigorously assessed. Social and environmental impacts are defined, assessed in-depth and scored so you can be confident our standards are objective and measurable.

Accountability – the legal structure of every certified B Corp gives people and planet equal weight as shareholders or profits. This commitment in law means that we must consider our community and the environment in all we do.

Transparency - B Corps are scored publicly, so you can have a transparent view of our business. You can even compare our score with other food businesses.

Support – Foodspeed is part of a community of over 2,500 B Corps worldwide, in over 50 countries, all striving to use business as a force for good. We can pool resources and research on a range of issues to further support our clients.

Planet Mark Business Certification

Foodspeed has achieved Planet Mark Business Certification, an internationally recognised sustainability standard for business. Certification recognises continuous progress, encourages further action and helps build an empowered community of like-minded individuals. Measuring our own carbon footprint is a critical step in reducing our impact on the planet and society. Through Planet Mark we have protected an area of endangered rainforest via Cool Earth; a charity working alongside rainforest communities to halt deforestation.

Organic Matters
We ensure that the dairy products and eggs we sell are produced to high environmental and animal welfare standards, offering an extensive organic dairy and egg product range. Foodspeed is accredited by the Organic Food Federation ensuring that those products we stock comply with organic standards and are fully traceable from farm to kitchen with every process en route having a certificate of conformity.

Plastic Reduction
We are committed to reducing packaging in the business, especially plastic, and continue to work with our suppliers to curb or eliminate plastic wherever possible without compromising product safety. Under the producer packaging regulations, we pay a levy for all packaging we handle to end users while we constantly look for new ways to reduce waste, energy and water across the business. We can offer space-efficient milk pouches as an alternative to polybottles and also milk cartons with recycled caps, both using 70% less plastic.

Lower Emissions
We continue to make advances through more recycling and reuse, saving energy and limiting waste while our fleet of refrigerated vehicles meets the lower emission targets of the Euro 6 standard. We pledge to make the switch to electric vehicles as soon as technology allows. The complexity of refrigeration poses many challenges at present but there are emerging solutions on the horizon.